I do not remember this at all but i know it did happen. 7th grade science class presentations. I think I got up there but I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING! I guess it went pretty bad. soon after I absolutely refused to speak in class. high school i had to do more and i was shaking. It was so embarrasing! now im a teacher. I've done maybe 10-12. I still get so nervous. I HATE IT!!
I didn't realize I had a fear of public speaking until my first year of college. I was required to give a presentation to a small group and was very confident leading up to it. When I started to speak I noticed I was sweaty and shaking. My voice started to quiver and it was difficult to breath. Somehow I finished the presentation, which was only about 5 minutes, and my classmates told me I had done well, but I was traumatized. This became the norm throughout college where I would even not show up for some presentations even though it meant losing losing marks. I went to a hypnotherapist and found that an event as a young child where I had forgotten a dancing routine and had been embarrassed in front of my school and caused me to view public speaking in a very negative way. Throughout high school I was interested in debating but never took part, which I put down to laziness. I now realize that I had been avoiding speaking in front of people because of fear. Now I am in graduate school and I still have a fear of public speaking. I have joined a debating team in the hope that some exposure will help me manage my fear. I have also tried Neuro-linguistic-programming and a number of self help books, but have not had any success. I am hoping that I will be able to overcome this fear before I join the workforce because I believe it may seriously hinder my prospects.
Well, my worst fear had once again reared it ugly head. For years, probably since grade school I have noted a form of 'Test Anxiety' which had spread to my public speaking.All throughout high school and college well into the current day have I noted a difficulty, almost a deafening. For years, whenever a Test would be given, my mind would go 'white', blank as a sheet of empty paper. Same situation occurs when I am about to present material that I know. In addition I get this overwhelming serge of numbness just prior to stepping up to the podium. I am usually confident until it is time and then what I know, practiced studying etc. would just disappear. No knowing what to stay, where to start.. even with a guide sheet or sides I would just stumble.. There has even been occasions while in meetings where I would begin a statement and fall off the radar and just lose what and where I was headed due to the thought of people thinking I am just off target. Just today, I was to present in front of about 50 people, knowing the material and also going so far as to write what I would say.. All gone once I was introduced. Help ME.. I was planning now to join Toastmasters in hopes, I can put a dent in this craziness.
Until year 10 of high school, speech class final, standing in front of people was easy and fun. The speech final was great. Then, in review, my speech was recorded. Upon watching and listening to myself, my life changed; I didn't like what I heard and saw. To finish the class free time, the teacher called upon her favorite impromtu speaker, me. But this time, I was different, I began speaking but couldn't stop shaking. I looked like the man in the beginning of the movie 'scanners'. The teacher was horrified and gently called the impromptu over, the semester was over. Anxiety hits me hard everytime the idea that i may be put in front of people. It took a long time to finish college and only online schools allowed me to complete classes without worrying about the anxiety. At 43, this problem has almost ruined my life. But I am going to beat this and I look forward to any advice and help. Thank you,
For years I have dropped classes if I had to do a presentation or changed jobs if the job required public speaking. I now love my job and I am completely in a comfort zone and one of the higher up managers is requiring that we do a presentation. I have so much fear that I want to quit. Quitting is not an option. The presentation is in 3 weeks and its all I think about. Its taking over my every thought.... What is wrong with me?
Seems like many people have the same pattern with the fear Lots of the stories I read here reminded me of my own, in that I didn't have a fear for much of my life. I used to be very comfortable being in front of a group, enjoying business training programs where we had to role play (I felt I was one of the best at it), reading my writing in front of an audience in college, being in some plays, etc.
It all began when I decided to do a voluntary presentation to a group of about 20 clients back when I was in my mid twenties. I practiced the presentation very matter of factly the day before and the day of the presentation, drove to the event offsite with an associate, even chatted casually with him on the way. When it was my turn to get up there, I did without hesitation, and began. Within about 30 seconds, while I was talking I could feel my heart starting to pound, my throat tightening up, and I literally asked myself "what the heck is going on here? Are you you having a panic attack?" My voice started shaking, and I started to lose my train of thought on the material. The room seemed to be very aware that I was choking, and everyone seemed to be staring at me. My associate, who was there to be more of an aide, sensed the moment and started handing out some pamphlets we were supposed to hand out later to break the tension. I saw him do this and appreciated it, so I started again. Just then, a woman asked me a question, which in retrospect distracted me from the fear enough to get me rolling again. Miraculously, I focused on her question and the subject material and totally relaxed, used some of the energy to make the presentation better, and it went great. Even got a few good laughs, and a nice round of applause at the end. But, since that day, the fear of fear has lodged itself in my head. I have been worried about getti! ng stuck like that to the point where I, like many others, try to avoid public speaking. I have done a few presentations since then, but nowhere near as many as I would if I wasn't concerned about it. I have given a eulogy without any nerves at all, seminars to clients without nerves, a toast at a dinner party went well, but on a few other occasions presentations were a little shaky. And, a few times, I found myself getting too worked up before having to speak at silly moments such as having to introduce myself in front of a large group. This is the stupidest thing ever. I used to have no fear, I know I am a good speaker, and I actually have no problem with the idea of getting up in front of a group. But, I seem to not know when the involuntary physiological reaction will take over, so I just worry that I will "crash and burn" like I almost did that day. I see myself as this big confident guy, not some whimp who can't handle the pressure (which is what I think I'll com off as if I fall apart), so I avoid the risk. I wonder why many of us have the same story - a life without fear, and then a sudden development of nerves. I wonder if it's literally changes to the nervous system that occur as you get older. For a case in point I've attended a bunch of school plays and concerts through the years for our kids, and despite kids being blatantly nervous at times, I don't think I've ever heard any of them get the shaky voice thing, or freeze up. It's holding me back, as I could make a lot more money in my field if I started presenting again. Thanks for reading my story. I am currently on my school council as I have always loved to be apart of school activities and leadership. However a great deal to leadership is public speaking and although I can write excellent speech's my performance is often hindered by my nerves. I usually turn down opportunities to speak in front of my school because I am too nervous but as I wish to be a high positioned school leader e.g. school captain I believe I need to overcome my fear. Recently when I have spoken on stage my leg begins to shake and it is usually very visible. This is generally my main concern however at times I am too focussed on my nerves and not on my speech which can make it seem dull.
I do not wish to quit the council but at times I wonder if that would be better than facing going up on stage. I believe that I am too worried about what people think of me. Thanks. i know that we almost have the same condition , but seriously i think mine is extreme.
alone i can talk really well and normal , but in front of any one even the ones i love, everything goes so bad and i cant spell most of the words and find myself struggling with simplest ones. the more i grow up the more i think of it and the more i get depressed and telling myself what my life would be if i was normal , more successful life , more friends that i actually choose them and not ones that petty my. now i am taking a drug to control my depression and i can only hope things would go better. i wrote this just to encourage people and send them a message that there are others that are worst than them. sorry for my bad English. peace I've had been plagued by an episode years ago where I froze up in front of dozens of senior executives and it haunted me for a VERY LONG TIME. I worked my butt off and made sure I didn't have recurring episodes, and sorry to report every once in a while, you will be scared shitless before a speech, but time and time again, I always find the same thing. When I do good I blow away the rest of the speakers. It's all in my head. The fear is baseless. Good luck everyone.
Today I was on a list to present a brief proposal for a future project. I had compiled a few bullet notes to remind me of my points to mention. As each person had their say, soon it will be my turn. I am next after Sheila. Now my heart is beginning to beat gradually harder. As I realize my turn is next, my mouth is starting to get dry and my heart is pounding even harder! My turn. "Ugh, umm well I'd ugh..." I ended up reading verbatim from my card as my eyes seem to fill with pressure. My voice is stuttery, but I make it through. A brief silence in the crowd confirmed my phobia. Suddenly the spotlight drifts toward someone else and I begin to feel better.....until my next discussion topic.
I was in my 4th year of school, I'd been in this new english class two months, very few of my friends were in it mostly people i didn't really know. It was a large class nearly 30 students and we were the top english, the class that were expected to achieve the highest grades. Everyone was out to prove themselves to be one of the best. I felt anxious in this class,a feeling I was not used to experiencing in the classroom. Before this I was as confident as anyone around me. An actor I had performed in many plays with the local amateur dramatics society. Often I was the only person under 18 in the group. I used to love reading out in class, because I knew I was good at it. I even read at Mass in front of the entire school when I was just 14. However that day it all changed. The week before I read an essay aloud on my school culture, because i was the only one who had it done some people were laughing something that would normally never bother me and to be honest it didn't really. However half way through it I felt this nervous sensation, I became short of breath and my heart was beating faster than I ever imagined it could. I made it through it though and pushed the thought out of my head. However it was on this day it came back to haunt me. Halfway through the piece the same nervous symptoms overtook me.I had to stop reading. It spread like a disease to my other classes soon I couldn't sit in a classroom without the fear of being asked to read.My ability to speak in public was something I had prided myself on before this, i could never understand why some people may not want to. More than a year later i still haven't beaten it, I am now calmer in class. But the thought of reading still scares me. It has affected the career path I am choosing. It makes me scared to think this might hold me back. All i can do is hope that in time I will beat it.
My fear of public speaking is really big and has escalated over the last year. It all started about a year ago when I had one mishap where I got really nervous and every presentation or anytime I would have to read out loud in class would lead to extreme anxiety. It's not just that I'm scared, I'm terrified... I get panic attacks. And I'm in highschool... I need to get over this. When I find out I have to speak in front of the class I freak out starting days before. Then as the days get closer I freak out and often cry. The day of the event I'm a wreck. When the speaking is actually about to happen I feel like my senses and nerves take over my body and I shut down. Im so numb with nervousness that I can't think. My whole body shakes and I feel like I'm going to faint. It is my biggest fear and It's so irrational... How did it get this bad? I am trying desperately to overcome it. I know for a fact I'm going to speak in front of both my class and my school soon and I'm freaking out. I feel like I've tried everything... From hypnotizing to psychiatrists to books to reading online to trying to practice to getting peoples advice.... AHHH
Hey there, it is nice reading these stories of someone has this kind of fear like me, which tells me that I am not alone , of course I am not, but I am different. Also the tips given by Ramki are good, but what I am afraid of is the saying " easy said than done". I was diagnosed in the past as a "Perfectionist" despite the fact that in my almost presentation I had done in the past , I was appraised by some of the audience. Now being a Director my JDs says that ,I have to train ,educate and lead the organization staff towards excellence, which means PUBLIC SPEAKING all the time. sweating, dry mouth and throat, low voice tone, tenacity, etc is my biggest problem, please help,I have started to build up a career as certified trainer and you what does that mean and need.my fear is lesser with small group, big ones is a nightmare.
Basically for a few years now I have been worried every time the task comes up of presenting/talking in front of my class. I feel under pressure that everyone is staring at me and this leads to me going red with embarrassment. Furthermore, I also suffer from Anxiety problems where I shake in nervous situations. It's becoming a problem as I enjoy socialising, and don't want to be making excuses to prevent myself from public speaking.
I had glossophobia for long time, but discovered that just recently during my studies. I shall take you through some of my really bad experiences:
1. In my first group meeting (around 12 people) I could not deliver the message I wanted to say because my voice was not clear. I had the knowledge and worked hard to collect the data but I failed delivering it. 2. My voice shakes during the introductory sessions in workshops. 3. I do all it takes to escape from presentations and if I have to do one, I will not enjoy my life for a week before that as I will be preparing and videoing myself. 4. In one workshop I was given the time to comment, I did well for 30 seconds and then my tongue was tied, I tried to speak but I couldn’t. The strange thing about me is when I am the first presenter I do better; this is the same in workshops introductory session. I know my fear and decided to overcome it. I just took a new job with a utility company in Michigan. After having been unemployed for 15 months, I was excited to finally find some type of work. Long story short, the job requires intensive training and part of that training involved getting up in front of the training class and demonstrating what you've learned. Once the trainer informed the class that TODAY was the day, I lost it. Sweaty palms, head spinning, stomach tossing, extreme shortness of breath. My mind suddenly erased itself and this all happened while my other classmates were each taking turns demonstrating...my turn had not even come about!!! I became so overwhelmed that I quickly grabbed my briefcase and scurried out the door in tears. Luckily no one saw my shame. My partner in class alerted one of the trainers who ran after me. Too embarassed and ashamed to return to the class, I refused numerous offers to rejoin the group. I was told to go home tonight and think it over before just quitting and to call my manager on her cell phone. As of the time of this writing, I can't find the courage to call the manager and give her an answer either way. Feeling horrible, embarassed, ashamed and disappointed in myself.
I have always had issue when in High School with public speaking, I really hated that class. Then I joined the Coast Guard were I was quite successful for 8 years. I led many teams as a senior enlisted person. I think I communicated well but I always had a little issue with voicing my opinion in groups. In 1-1 situations I was usually did pretty good. I then was in the HVAC industry where I had to interact with managers of building and did very well. I knew at this point I needed help with my writing skills but never expected to have communication issues. I then changed careers to IT and did very well. I have been doing IT for 20 years.
The problem I am having is I have been told that people are confused when I talk about a topic. It seems I skip around topic. I would like to be more assertive. I also have issues coming up with answer when prompted about personal issues. I have landed here trying to find some answers on how I can improve my focus and ability to be more focused during discussions. I think I need to be more assertive. Lets say for example I am trying to explain subject one and during this talk something clicks that leads me to another topic which is kind of related. But this may be way out of context. I guess this is good enough for start. Once upon a time there was a little boy his name was joe he was so scared to read in public. so then he went on the internet to check out how to stop it. when he read the stuff he was a little better.
I am a high school student and i dread public speaking more than anything. the thought of standing up in front of thirty five of my classmates absolutely terrifies me. i have tried many methods to calm myself down, but the same nerves come back every single time. i am tired to worrying and stressing and i know i need to find a way to just stay calm and get through it. HELP!
I have some phobia, public speaking. I don't understand i'm very nervous in my meeting room. I am very talented technically. i have good communication skills than any one else in my team but i am unable to project what i am. whats wrong with me.... i feel very nervous, my hands will shake if i try to speak some thing in meeting rooms. please help me to get out of this phobia because its very important for me to speak with out any phobia.
Where I struggle most, moreso than getting on stage and talking to an audience, is in a controlled group, of 10-20 people, where I need to introduce myself, talk about myself, and explain particular ideas relevant to the discussion the group is having. I am getting ready to start the interviewing process where I will be talking to multiple people in the room at any given time, including board of directors. While I don't fear that now, when presented with the situation I can already see from past experience getting nervous, fumbling my words, feeling hot flashes, and coming across without the confidence that I do have about myself. Suggestions?
I am a software Engineer..I am a very reserved type of person.mostly don't get easily mix up with the people.I have a large extent of public speaking phobia...As a software engineer i need to give many times presentation about the new things that going to develop.but some days before also i get so much tensed by thinking about the presentation I going to give.During presentation I get so much afraid that I start shivering n then it all spoils up my presentation
Okay so I've been in high school for 3 years, in my 4th, and over all the presentations I've done, I still can't do a presentation. I get extreme anxiety, sweaty hands and my face flushes RED. its terrible, even if I just have to go up to answer a question, or act out a section in Macbeth or something I can't do it. I feel like everyone is looking at me, and i get so nervous that I just want to run out of the classroom. I sweat like crazy, fiddle with my hair like crazy, and usually i will get so nervous that i just read directly of of my notes or powerpoint. I dont look up from my reading either, because i'm too scared to look at the audience. I hate this phobia, because I know that I can do this. I just get too nervous, and its really embarrassing and I dread any presentation EVER assigned to me. Its pretty terrible. any suggestions? would be nice.
I am a Engineering Graduate, now i am working in R&D organization. My problem is i can speak very comfortable with one to one but unable to do the same in group. like in Group Discussions I can't express my views exactly , some times even though i know something not able to express. More over i worried about my carrier if it carry's like this. when ever i stand in front of public i ll get tense , heartbeat runs very fast , my tone gets reduced{several are there} ... Plz help me idon't want end up my life with this fear
arghhhh Public speaking is something I have dreaded since I was a child. Every time we had to give speeches in class I would pull a sicky, some days I there was no way out of it and the teacher would pick me to read things out in front of the class, this is what happens to me ...my heart starts to pound so fast I feel like its going to explode and then about 15 seconds into reading my voice starts getting really shaky and then I feel like I cant breathe properly, sometimes I cant get through the article I am reading because my breathing and voice are just so out of control. Its the most embarrasing thing hence the reason I have tried to avoid it my whole life. I am at the stage where I know I need to overcome this fear. Is there anyone else out there with similar experiences?